Saturday, 9 April 2011

Reflecting the love of God...

In scripture Jesus tells us to 'love your neighbour as yourself' (Matthew 22:39)

In reality, in our everyday lives, how can we do this?

If we do not fully accept the love that Jesus has for us and truly believe that we are made in his beauty and image. How can we outwardly display the love we have for ourselves to our neighbours? For surly before we love our neighbours, we must firstly love ourselves. Shouldn't we ?

However loving oneself for who we are isn't always that easy in our society. As we are constantly bombarded with ideas, images and statements, suggesting how we should look. And from this we may think we are not pretty, handsome or popular enough to love ourselves, or occasionally believe we should despise who we are and what we appear like, if we don't fit into these categories.
But we are made in the image and likeness of God. Perfectly crafted and created in the saviours hands out of sheer love.

For the Father thinks each and everyone of us is beautiful, no matter what. As each of us are created to represent an aspect of him, and what could be more beautiful than representing an aspect of Our Saviour?

So for the rest of lent, we are approaching that time when we remember how love was given to us which was unconditional and amazing. It was for the sake of each and everyone of us. Each morning wake up and either tell yourself you're wonderfully beautiful as you are made in the image and likeness of God and nothing can be more perfect than this. Or make yourself a sign and put it somewhere where you can always see it. To remind yourself beauty isn't about fitting into stereotypes or boxes, but an expression of who you truly are and created to be.
When we fully accept Gods love for us, it is then we can truly love our neighbours as we love ourselves and reflect that love of God to them and into their lives

Helen Currie, 21,
Archdiocese of Liverpool,


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