Friday, 15 April 2011

‘Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.’ Jn 14:27

Firstly, Happy Friday Everyone!!!   

Today may be an opportunity to stop at some point and take a quick look back over Lent so far, as we embark upon Holy Week very soon. 

Before giving us the ultimate gift of himself, one of the last gifts The Lord gives to us, is his peace…
But what is this peace? 
‘Peace’ for me can often come across as a bit ‘airy fairy,’ and sometimes, when thinking about ‘peace for the world’ for example, it can seem a little unobtainable, a bit of a pipe-dream.  Peace was obviously important to Jesus though.

What is peace for me?
Do I try to create peace in the place I live or work?
Am I at peace with myself?   

Think again about the third question. 

For me, to bring peace to others, first and foremost, we need to be at peace with ourselves. Maybe we could use this run-up to Easter, challenging ourselves to create peace with-in.  Maybe this may mean reconciling with God and others, tying up loose-ends, or spending some time in prayer.

‘Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid’

This ends Jesus’ above quote when he’s giving us the gift of peace.  Throughout the whole of the New Testament Jesus only says ‘Do not’ about two things, and both of those are above.  These ‘do nots’ certainly help me in my attempts to create peace within.


Stuart Holland, 26
Assistant Director – Savio House
Archdiocese of Liverpool

1 comment:

  1. Hello stewie,

    I am writing to you to tell you, you will never ever find any better students than Lizzie Simpson, Hannah Smith and Alicia Flanagan.

    So in your words 'Peace-out'
    *BOOM* ;)
